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Rajkot, Gujarat, India
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

LWUIT for Series 40 (Featured Project)

LWUIT for Series 40  is a Series 40 port of the popular Lightweight User Interface Toolkit (LWUIT) which is a flexible and  portable API  for creating application rich user interface in Java ME. LWUIT provides some useful UI features  like, styling, theming, animation, transitions  etc. which are also optimized in this project for Series 40.
This project has been tested with Nokia SDK 1.0 and 1.1 for Java and are expected to work on Series 40 5th Edition and  higher devices. To start with LWUIT for Series 40please visit the Wiki Page for  step-by-step  instructions

The project will also support Series 40 full touch UI, which  is under development and will be public at the same time with Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java. To improve the project please participate in the  project discussion and raise tickets for any bug.
Thanks, (on behalf of the Projects Moderation team)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Solitaire for HTML5 (Featured Project)

Solitaire for HTML5  by tepaa is a solitaire game developed using HTML 5, and implemented in Qt using QML WebView component. Solitaire uses basic single card flip, untimed game, demonstrating the possibility of using a cross platform framework such as the one provided by HTML 5.
We like this project even though it doesn’t have discussions, tickets, wiki articles etc. because it is a good example of integrating HTML5 with Qt.  This application has a great and simple UI supporting drag and drop functionality. The drag and drop is very responsive in picking up individual cards.

This application is also available for Apple iOSAndroidWindows Phone, andSymbian along with source code.
tepaa was awarded the Most Valuable Project Member for the month of April 2011at Projects Developer Nokia.
Presently this application has a fixed screen size, it would be nice to see it scale the screen to fit more cards in its view, also maybe with scrolling. This would also enable it to be played in devices with square screens, where it is currently being boxed in a wide frame.